Juli 31, 2015

Catatan kecil

Ketika hidup memberiku seratus alasan untuk meneteskan air mata, kau datang membawa seribu alasan untuk tersenyum. Namun ketika senyum itu hadir, kau pergi dengan meninggalkan sejuta alasan untukku kembali meneteskan air mata.
Ketika hati sudah tak cukup kuat untuk menahan, tanpa sadar air mata menetes karena bibir tak tau lagi harus berkata apa,
Tak peduli siapa yang akan mengerti arti tetesan air mataku, tapi aku hanya ingin menangis untuk sedikit melegakan sesak di dada ini. Dan aku yakin Tuhan tahu kenapa sebenarnya aku ini.

Juli 30, 2015

Catatan kecil

Hadirmu merubah hari-hariku
Terasa menganggu, namun ku rasakan kebahagiaan
Hingga ku berada pada titik kebimbangan
Bagaimana harus kujalani hari-hariku
Jalan yang tak bertemu
Namun terasa tetap indah
Aku cuma rindu

Juli 12, 2015

catatan kecil

satu senyum mengawali persahabatan
satu tawa menghapus kesedihan
satu tindakan mengartikan kata
satu doa memberikan harapan

Juli 10, 2015

Catatan kecil

Pagi ini cahaya terasa seperti duri
Hanya saja menusuk ke setiap inchi
Embun hari ini terasa seperti butir peluru
Menembus tepat ke setiap hulu
Aku tak ingin hari ini
Aku ingin kemarin
Kemarin pagi memeluk hangat
Embun mengusap menghilangkan semua penat
Tapi pagi ini hati jauh bergetar
Membuat runtuh semua angan serasa
Ku rindu hari ku yang lalu

Juli 08, 2015

Catatan kecil

Ku coba bertahan semampu aku bisa. Semakin ku berusaha hapus dari pikiranku, semakin erat mencengkeramku. Tak seharusnya ini terjadi. Bagaimana aku harus melepas kannya. Kenapa ini musti terjadi, ku kehilangan hari2 ku yang dulu. Bagaimana aku mengakhiri dan melepaskannya dari pikirannku untuk kembali pada hari2 ku yang lalu. Seandainya waktu bisa berputar kembali........tak kan kubiarkan kegelisahan ini menemani setiap detik langkahku seperti saat ini. Aaaarrrggghhhhh............hanya desahan nafas panjang yang sedikit menghiburku.

Juli 07, 2015

Catatan kecil

3 hari yang begitu berkesan. Visitasi prodi akuntansi uniba. Senang nya berdiskusi dengan asesor. Banyak Ilmu yang kudapatkan. Begitu low profil, dengan kepakaran beliau. Begitu memotivasi untuk aku selalu belajar. Terima kasih Prof. Made dan bu Prihat.  @ hilang rasa lelah. 

Juli 05, 2015

CSR Assessment and Development CSR Strategy of Hotel Industry in Surakarta

CSR Assessment and Development CSR Strategy of Hotel Industry in Surakarta

Kartika Hendra Titisari
Islamic Batik University Surakarta

Understanding of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which is became mandatory for all companies currently growing in the community. The old paradigm of companies only have a duty to the shareholder is not able to run by the company, if the company wants to grow and exist in its efforts. Tripple button line popularized by john Elkington (1997) became mandatory for all companies.
The city of Surakarta, better known as the city of culture now gets the predicate as a MICE (meeting-incentives-conferences and exhibition). The predicate of the hospitality industry promote the development of MICE in Surakarta, with various facilities. As the development of the city, the hotel continues to experience increased development along with apartment and mall which is also growing rapidly. To support the existence of the existence of the hospitality industry, the construction of the image or reputation of a business cannot be separated from itself. To achieve this company conducts various programs communicate with the community, including by implementing CSR.
To support the existence of the hospitality industry as well as the contribution to the city of Surakarta as the town MICE, this research will examine the implementation of CSR that has been run by the hospitality industry in Surakarta and developing CSR strategies model the hospitality industry. The sample used in this study is star hotels. The package includes 2 questionnaires to employees of the hotel to find out their understanding of CSR and to the management of the hotel to find out the policy of CSR practice that has been run by the company.
The results showed an understanding of CSR implementation the perception of employees of the hotel showed an increase in the understanding of CSR as an increase in the category hotel. Based on interview results obtained that the hotel star 1, 2, and 3 are already running but there is no form for sure. 4 star hotels and 5 run CSR activity in accordance with the outline of the central office.
Seen from the CSR terminology based on questionnaire results, there are increasing in the indicator's vision and strategy, oversight and accountability, risk identification and management. Improving external disclosure of the composition of Commissioners and Commissioners occur at 1-and 2-star to 3-star hotel. However, there was a decrease to 4 and 5 star hotels and below the 1 and 2 star hotel because the hotel star 4 and 5 run CSR strategies set by the Central Office.
CSR 1-star hotel, 2, and 3 more in the direction of imaging in the surrounding environment and have not touched to a wider scope, is not the case for the 4 and 5 stars. 1 star hotel, 2 and 3 needs to start developing a CSR strategy that aligns with business strategy because of obligations apply to all corporate CSR. Recommendations for the development of strategies and implementation of CSR in this research with the model approaches the ISO 26000

Juli 03, 2015

Catatan kecil, 03 Juli 2015

Ternyata yang bermula dari hal sederhana itu menjadi beban yang sangat mengangguku. Bagaimana aku akan jujur akan semua ini. Kata maaf sepertinya tidak cukup. Tuhan.....bantu hamba menghapus semua ini. Melupakan semua yang terjadi.
Serasa ku kehilangan hari-hari ceria ku. Begitu suksesnya peristiwa itu menghapus keceriaanku.
Aaarrrgghhh...hanya desahan nafas panjang yang selalu menemaniku.

Materi Manajemen Keuangan

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